Great post at Why Are Americans The Fools Of The World On Immigration?
The United States is a fucking immigration joke. It not only doesn’t stop people from coming in, it gives them free shit at taxpayer expense.
I’ve been reading lately about slavery in medieval Europe and I honestly believe that the evil unfolding now in white nations is on par with the evil of slavery in that time.
During that time slavic and other peoples were routinely captured and sold to Muslims in North Africa. Men were castrated because eunuchs were more in demand. What occurred during that time was absolutely fucking evil.
Also, during that time and for centuries afterwards people knew what Muslims were about: pirates and slavery. Think of the profound ignorance, centuries later, when the descendants of these same people were allowed to flood into Europe in vast numbers and commit mass sexual abuse, attacks, and rape of white European women.
Importing tens of millions of third-worlders into white countries is tantamount to mass enslavement and worse – it is the destruction of the societies and cultures of peoples and their homelands.
Below are some quotes from the vdare article. Of course all the failures in border enforcement are intentional. This is what the slave masters want.
This is from Daniel Greenfield’s blog, Sultan Knish.
The topic here is border defenses, specifically India’s border with Bangladesh, compared with the U.S.A.’s border with Mexico.
The first of those borders, India’s with Bangladesh, is the longer; it’s thirty percent longer than our Mexican border. It’s way more secure, though. India is serious about stopping illegal immigration from Bangladesh. Bangladeshis are poor, and India has all the poor people it needs. Also, Bangladeshis are Muslim, and India has all the Muslims it needs.
So they have a really tough border. A few indicative quotes from Greenfield, quote:
India has spent decades building fences, topping them with barbed wire, and installing lights. The lights are there so that the guards can see. Unlike America, there are guards, they have guns, and they shoot …
The contrast is between a serious country (theirs) and a silly country. (Ours.)
A serious country uses its economic muscle to bend other countries to its will, even forcing them to humiliate themselves by defending oppression of their co-religionists as China has done over their Uighur policies. A silly country hands out hundreds of millions to nations that work at undermining its own security.
A serious country devotes major military and infrastructure effort to securing its borders and shoots people who try to enter illegally. A silly country allows a hundred thousand people a month to wander in and settle, most of them unskilled workers who will take jobs from our own people and, with their children, burden our healthcare, education, and welfare services.
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