Legally-sanctioned conquest of the United States by non-whites

What is occurring now in the United States is a legally-sanctioned conquest of the country by non-whites.

Whites are not permitted to speak about the conquest. They are not permitted to oppose the conquest. Any white who does not support the conquest of the United States is deemed a hateful nazi racist white supremacist.

Places like California are no longer the United States. The white population hasn’t just decreased, it has collapsed. United States immigration law is openly flaunted with complete impunity – in fact with the full backing of state and local governments.

The United States’ high-tech, healthcare, and other industries are being conquered by non-white invaders. In Santa Clara, the heart of Silicon Valley, only one out of six tech workers is an American.

This is a conquest of the United States and what is occurring across the globe is a deliberate attempt to destroy all white nations. The white race is under attack.

Do not let white countries become like South Africa. Do not let this catastrophe unfold. Every white human being on planet Earth has a responsibility to oppose the conquest of their countries.

The idea that white people have an obligation to accommodate people from third-world shitholes across the globe is outrageous.


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