The bill [S.386 sponsored by Mike Lee, R-UT] allows investors and their companies to reward many more Indian graduates who agree to take the college graduate jobs needed by young American graduates. The reward is the grant of 120,000 invaluable green cards — up from roughly 20,000 today — to the Indian outsourcing workers and their families.
That’s a huge boost for the investors in the U.S.-India Outsourcing Economy, who now import Indian graduates to spike stock prices by chopping white-collar payroll costs. So Perdue’s retreat is also a huge economic hit to the roughly 800,000 Americans who are graduating in 2019 with degrees in health care, science, engineering, accounting, business, software, math, or architecture.
— Sen. David Perdue OKs Silicon Valley Takeover of College Graduate Job Market
The United States is being invaded by vast swarms of Indians and Chinese. Is this even the United States of America anymore? It doesn’t seem like it. I think the United States is dead. This isn’t my country. This isn’t the country of and for the American people, the country my ancestors helped build. This is a country of crooks and rotten oligarchs bent on destroying everything great about the United States for the sake of profit.
More info on the treasonous S. 386:
Paying out lobbyists to push Republican and Democrat Senators into supporting Lee’s green card giveaway are tech corporations like Google, Microsoft, the Oracle Corporation, and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. For instance, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and Hewlett-Packard have sent out a combined total of 18 lobbyists to Capitol Hill to push Lee’s green card giveaway out to Senators.
At the same time, Microsoft has been Lee’s largest tech donor for the last five election cycles, doling out nearly $130,000 to him since 2015. More than $97,000 of those funds went directly to Lee while another $30,000 went to Lee’s PAC.
Likewise, Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. has donated $55,900 to Lee since 2015, while the Oracle Corporation has donated $44,200.
Others bankrolling Lee’s S. 386 are the Koch brothers’ network of organizations, such as Americans for Prosperity, the outsourcing lobby, like Cognizant and the IBM Corporation, as well as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber of Commerce, for example, has almost 30 lobbyists working to push Lee’s green card giveaway, while Cognizant and IBM have a total of seven lobbyists pushing the legislation. IBM and Cognizant are set to gain hugely from S. 386, as they are two of the largest outsourcers of American jobs in the nation.
This year, alone, Cognizant sought to outsource more than 13,000 U.S. jobs to H-1B foreign visa workers. IBM — headed by Ginni Rometty who takes in a salary of $16.45 million a year — attempted to outsource nearly 8,500 U.S. jobs to H-1B foreign visa workers.
The Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity, which has deployed eight lobbyists to push Lee’s green card giveaway, has indirectly been a donor to Lee through the years. Since 2015, Lee has raked in nearly $60,000 from Koch Industries.
Lee’s S. 386 is also being lobbied for by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), which aids illegal aliens and foreign workers in their efforts to not be deported, has sent out three lobbyists to push the green card giveaway.
– Silicon Valley Billionaires Bankroll Mike Lee and His Green Card Giveaway
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