On the local CBS ‘Matier in the Morning’ episode Matier interviews the director of the Bay Area Transportation Agency (BART) which has descended – along with the rest of the Bay Area – to appalling disarray, chaos, open drug using, vagrancy, crime, fare evasion, etc. etc.
Matier sits there grilling the director about each issue and the director duly responds with his pie-in-the-sky answers which all involve: Spending. Spending. Spending. Massive sums of money. Money. Money.
“We’re hiring 30 more police for…”
“We’re installing new…”
“We are adding more…”
And the list goes on and on. It all amounts to money, a lot of it.
And behind all this I think: Why did these problems not exist 20 years ago? Gee that’s strange. Suddenly there’s this problem plaguing the Bay Area and affecting its transit systems among many other things. Yet before all this money was spent, measures implemented, steps taken, etc. none of this shit was happening.
So why the fuck now is it all happening and all this money – taxpayer money, transit riders’ money – intended to be spent?
It wouldn’t have anything to do with the invasion would it? It wouldn’t have anything to do with importing literally millions of third-worlders in the the Bay Area and the United States, stealing exactly those types of jobs and opportunities which would have kept people on the margins of society afloat?
So all these third-worlders are imported en masse and it completely fucks up society and turns the city into a third world pit and the solution is: Spend. Spend. Spend. Spend money that’s not yours. Spend taxpayer’s money. Increase the already ridiculously exorbitant public transit fares. Fuckover the middle class more to cover for an even larger fuckup of importing the third world into America.
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