Watching a new BBC documentary narrated by David Attenborough called “Climate Change: The Facts”
After watching only the first couple minutes I’m in shock.
We are living in societies now which can be summed up with one phrase: “More coloreds good.”
If you had to sum up the essence of pretty much every Western country in the world right now, it would be “More coloreds good.”. Every policy, every action, everything done by these countries amounts to “more coloreds”. “More coloreds”: that’s what they want. That’s what they indoctrinate the public with. That’s what they constantly, night and day, push as the agenda. It manifests in advertisements. It manifests in mainstream media: Newspapers, magazines, television, movies. It manifests in government. It manifests in education right up to and including the Ivy League. It’s all about “more coloreds good”.
The invasions of western countries is in full swing. The displacement and decimation fo white populations continues apace. I was just listening to a podcast that was talking about some data – I forgot the name of the source – showing where the fastest rate of diversification is occurring: It is occurring in the most white areas.
This is deliberate. White populations are deliberately being targeted and thousands upon thousands – tens of thousands – even hundreds of thousands – of coloreds are deliberately brought into centers of white population to dilute them.
Prior to this happening the populations of western, white countries was leveling off. But that pissed off the oligarchs. That pissed off the plantation owners, the globalists. And one day – probably at Davos around 2014 it was decided to flood all white countries with staggeringly massive amounts of coloreds from the third world and… wala… we have the present.
In light of this, in light of the catastrophe unfolding in western countries around the world, in light of the insanity and treason, there is this tv show expressing concern about climate change. It’s just mind blowing.
How many immigrants, legal and illegal, are pouring in to the US every year? It’s in the millions.
All that had to be done would have been to do nothing. Nothing. Just leave western countries alone. Leave white people the fuck alone.
The contortions that are being engaged in by environmentalists to avoid the reality of overpopulation are shocking.
Given current political leadership and the direction the global oligarchy is taking Earth there’s no doubt the planet is in danger.
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