Someone has never heard of 13/50. Should one expect people who present “news” to be aware of basic facts of levels of black violence plaguing the United States? Apparently not. Because it fucks up the narrative that they want to push – even at the cost of blood spilled due to lack of appropriate vigilance.
Viral Video Shows Child Begging Father Not To Call Cops On Black Man In San Francisco
First, let me say this: In most urban areas with high rates of crime no one should ever let anyone into a locked gate or building entrance whom they don’t know. It is a responsibility to one’s self and also to one’s neighbors not to.
The guy who entered the building wrongly behind the man who called 911 was trespassing. He was making an unauthorized entry and, beyond that, his friend who was a tenant in the building was being a shitty neighbor by allowing it to happen.
Front entrances have door buzzers for a reason. Just because someone is lazy or whatever is no excuse. The guests of a tenant acting irresponsibly and entering improperly behind other guests whom they do not know is grounds for eviction.
The fact that the person who made a wrongful entry into the building is black and is using that as an excuse is completely full of shit, and so is the television station and everyone else saying the man was wrong to call 911.
The fact of the matter is that blacks are extremely more likely to be violent criminals and it is absolutely correct to be suspicious of them. That is pattern recognition. It is reality in the United States. To deny this is a complete absurdity.
Finally, for the black guy to say that it’s not his responsibility to make others feel comfortable is complete bullshit. It is a tenant’s responsibility to let their guests into a locked building entrance, and if the guests are trying to enter without authorization behind other guests they don’t know, that is wrong. A tenant is responsible for their guests behavior in public areas.
The asswipe says “I should be able to walk around freely” but it’s not a matter of “walking around freely” – it’s about unknown people wrongly entering a locked entrance of a building behind other tenants whom they don’t know.
The fact that this has blown up and is considered news shows how totally fucked up people are. The guy who called 911 shouldn’t have to apologize – he did absolutely nothing wrong – in fact what he did was exactly right! The fact that his father was brutally murdered by – it is assumed – a violent black is only all the more reason to be extremely cautious and vigilant – not less so.
The “news” presenter echoed his words “past experiences should never color how we see others” – that is complete, unadulterated bullshit. Follow that advice if you want to be dead, otherwise don’t.
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