Dare to do something different

  • Use Firefox web browser
  • Install uBlock Origin addon
  • Enable DNS over HTTPS and Encrypted SNI in Firefox Be sure to follow the instruction in the comment to configure the trr.bootstrapAddress setting. I set mine to
  • In Firefox open uBlock Origin addon’s settings. Go to the My Filters tab and add the following entries at the top of the file, one item per line:
  • Add any other companies you want to the list. Right now I’m ambivalent about adding Twitter or not. In a way I kind of like them but then I keep reading about privacy complaints about them. For the time being I’m blocking them.

I read online all the time about issues people have with Facebook. Basically every week it seems. One solution to it all is just to completely block them. I don’t see how if you completely block them that you can have any problems with them. I not only bock them with uBlock, I block them on my home router by going into the ad block settings and inputting the above domains. This essentially prevents any device on my home network from ever being able to access those domains.

You can also add other block lists on your home router such as:

See AdAway’s host sources document for even more information.