We, white European people, should be experiencing the greatest flowering of our culture and our people than ever before. Instead we are on the verge of death.
We were going through a dark time – emerging from the 60s and we hadn’t yet woken up. We were still going through growing pains. Our culture hadn’t flourished the way it should have yet.
Because of this we were vulnerable. And at our greatest moment of vulnerability, before we were able to experience a new dawn, a great new flowering that would have transformed the world, the flower was cut off. We were viciously attacked, and now we are in a struggle for our very existence. We are being cut down, forced into enslavement, and psychologically and spiritually manipulated and damaged.
Do not accept the facsimiles that might be presented to you. Do not be deluded by falsehoods intended to trap you.
I had a dream – I am now just awakening from this dream and it is fresh in my mind and this is what I write. The European peoples of Earth once had a great, heroic culture. There are many on Earth now who were able to experience part of it, taste what this magical reality was like. And now we are witnessing destruction like never before.
Wake up European man and woman. Take back your lands. Depose the traitors, root out the killers who are destroying you and your cultures. Take back your birthright and rise again.
In the name of Deus Pater, Odin, Frida, Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water.
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