Probably in 2014 the most powerful people in the world met at Davos as they do yearly. Someone said “Let’s get rid of borders” and everyone there agreed: Blankfelstein or whatever his name is, the head of Goldman Sachs, the EU head, US President, people who own and control magazines, newspapers, television, a movie studios. They were all like “Yes, ok, no more borders for Western countries.”
And after that articles started appearing touting the new mass migrations and how wonderful they are and how great they are and a bunch of other complete bullshit.
3500 Migrants Apprehended over 3 Days in One Texas Border Sector
[Did you see or read about this in the news? Hell fucking no. You didn’t.]
After the decision at Davos “news” media methodically ignored the invasion occurring at astronomical rates, but then made big stories about “immigrants’ lives”, “immigrants’ struggles”, and other bullshit. Suddenly the government of the United States was doing everything it can to give amnesty to as many illegals as possible. Fuck U.S. citizens. Fuck the deaths, the crime, the joblessness, the lost opportunities social, economic, educational, etc. because of the mass immigration. Fuck it all. Fuck you white people and fuck your country because this is our country and we’re going to do with it what the fuck we want.
Freedom? Yes, you’re free… to shut up and bleed and shut up and die, and anything other than that and we’ll pound you into the pavement so fucking hard you’ll never get up.
And just like that an entire culture, an entire people was destroyed. And I watched it all from the front seat. I lived in San Francisco during the time. I remember renting rooms in houses with roommates from all over the country and the world. I knew many Irish guys who would come over and work handyman jobs. I had friends who went to Berkeley and supported themselves doing stucco work part-time. I worked a zillion part-time jobs in my life.
Since I was around 10 or 11 I worked many different jobs and all of them now are gone. Everything has been taken over by illegals. All the helper jobs, all the small businesses, all the labor jobs, part-time jobs, jobs that people literally were able to put themselves through college working part-time.
But more than that, the culture has been decimated. Gone with the jobs, gone with the once affordable housing is an entire culture. An entire people – white European people mostly – has been fucked over primordially.
I think the story of America is one of deluded boomers and how they completely fucked the country up – from the time of Peter, Paul, and Mary and Simon and Garfunkel – when you could stick out your thumb and safely hitchhike across the United States – yes I knew many people who did it – to this fucked up, pile-of-shit, multi-cultural hellhole.
Joe Guzzardi: The Sierra Club and the $100 Million Donation That Changed It Forever
[Fucking boomers. “Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme for me but not for thee.”]
More waste is going to landfills, less is recycled. What’s going on?
[America is so fucked up China doesn’t even want its recyclables]
I have been studying my ass off at university for the past several years learning coding – only to see how American tech workers – especially older ones – are completely fucked. There are all these IPOs and now I see nerdy young Chinese who still look like teenagers driving Teslas and living in expensive housing units. Even if I manage to obtain the skills needed I cannot visualize myself integrating with the “culture” that is Silicon Valley now.
I’ve driven through the heart of Silicon Valley and literally saw no white people out of hundreds of people.
Another Voice: Immigration reform can close gender wage gap
Kamala Harris Promises Opportunities, but Outsources U.S. Jobs to Indian Graduates
ICE: Students from Iran, Russia, China stealing military, high-tech secrets
[What a great upside their is to the diversity]
The white population is collapsing because we are different. I don’t care if we’re the most efficient, intelligent, etc. or not. That doesn’t and shouldn’t matter. We just want to be left alone and have a right to be left alone, in perpetuity, to exist sustainably in our land. Free from invasion and replacement. We have a right be different and unique in our own ways. How we congregate, how we learn, how we study, how we associate, how we build and create – all that is unique to us.
600,000 Migrants Enter Britain in One Year
Swedish Youth Face Housing Shortage as Migrants Given Priority
Nothing would have made me happier than to live in Sweden, England, or Germany. But see I am white and therefore I was royally fucked.
Ann Coulter: Surprise! That ‘cheap’ immigrant labor costs us a lot
[Correction: It costs me and probably you a lot, but it doesn’t cost the wealthy business owners and property owners who are reaping in record profits and don’t live in areas that are too enriched.]
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