Yes it is a bad thing you rotten scumfucking piece of shit.
We are slaves. We are prisoners of a global oligarchy which is indifferent to our welfare and death. Its interest is to induce hypercompetition to breed more efficient slaves to work on its plantations. As this occurs, what is most great and profound about humankind is methodically stripped away. Just as Earth itself is physically stripped away, so the human soul is irreparably stripped.
What will be left in the end will scarcely be recognizable from what it once was in its former glory. Do not lament the loss of Earth. Feel sadness and mourning for it but if you are greater than this Earth then it will fall yet you will rise. Your destiny can be more than this Earth and the heavy weight dragging it down into depths of darkness.
If you watched the Project Veritas video about Google which you absolutely should because it is one of the most important videos of the century you will see the type of person who is in an upper-echelon class which enables the global oligarchy to maintain slavery over the human population.
Without this class of upper-echelon enablers it would be impossible to maintain the system of enslavement and control over world population.
The primary echelons are:
The lower echelons comprised of people who are easily brainwashed and manipulated but who present problems through high crime rates and who often fail to be sufficiently productive for the system. While the plight of these echelons is unfortunate, do not sympathize too much with them because these echelons will also readily engage in destruction and abuse. They are responsible for their own situations. They can be helpful at times but cannot be relied upon completely.
The middle echelon – the middle class – has disappeared to a great extent and most of its population have gone down to the lower echelon. A few have risen to the upper echelon. This echelon is strong in a healthy world but is a threat to those who exert control in an unhealthy world.
The upper echelon are people sufficiently well-off to be invested in the system of global slavery. They have the most at stake and hence work the hardest. This echelon works at maintaining and efficiently running the system of global enslavement. A very small number from the lower echelon are deliberately elevated to this echelon in order to provide law enforcement. This is the most deluded and sick echelon. It is also the greatest trap, and the most appealing to those who have bought into delusion. Karmically, this represents some of the most difficult karma to break free from because its traps are subtle yet powerful.
At the top echelons are people who one may read about in the news, but who most human beings personally have very little knowledge of. These are the top elites who ultimately own and control everything. Most people will never interact with people from this echelon, and the people in this echelon posses such a vast amount of wealth that their lifestyle is scarcely conceivable by people in lower echelons.
The mass immigration into Western countries is the greatest act of mass enslavement that has ever occurred in history – far greater in magnitude than the Atlantic slave trade.
The working middle and lower echelons are being forced to pay hundreds of billions of dollars to finance this act of primal hostility against entire peoples which is literally destroying entire cultures, entire nations, and tens of thousands of communities.
The situation is dark and I cannot give any answer. It would have been more honorable if we had all been massacred in death camps but they are forcing us to be slaves and there is no choice, no way out.
During this profoundly dark time we may not be able to effect change and we may have to endure insult.
Persist. Do not allow yourself to be deluded. Do not allow yourself to fall into the spiritual traps that are set. Do not be weak. Avoid their “entertainment”. Avoid being sucked into the lies and the decadence. Be independent. Be self-sufficient and find life in small things – reading and studying, spending time in nature, practicing an art.
We do not know how the tides will turn. We are witnessing evil of immense proportions unfolding across our poor planet and manifesting in our societies and governments. Do your best to stay out of it as much as you can. Have as little invested in the system of destruction and enslavement as you can. Accept simplicity and austerity for the sake of a deeper, richer inner life that is true to life and true to Divinity.
We are not alone. Divinity is aware of this dark time and is with us. Remain persevering even when surrounded by darkness. No one knows how the tides will change. Surely those steeped in evil and malice towards Earth will meet their demise. Surely the forces of darkness and destruction will be met with decay and ruin.
Remain in the light and abide perseveringly until the dawn of a better day.
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