Google has been caught red-handed engaging in deliberate social programming and political manipulation.
Its “ML Fairness” – which stands for “machine-learning fairness” – is a system which deliberately skews news articles displayed on Google News and search results from the Google search engine from what they naturally would be.
The video contains shocking examples – auto-suggest for the string “Hillary Clinton’s email” was completely empty while that for “Donald Trump’s email” offered multiple suggestions – even though Google trends reported that the search term “Hillary Clinton’s email” was vastly more popular.
Similar shockingly skewed (and often quite sickening) results for the search strings “men can” and “women can” are shown in the video.
I have written about this issue in the past. If you do a Google image search for “pregnant white woman” almost all the top results show a white woman and a black man. If you search for “pregnant ____ woman” however and the ______ is any other race, the results are normal.
While there was a special prosecutor’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and into possible collusion by President Trump – here we now have exposed extreme election meddling and more in what amounts to vast hypocrisy.
Google has been caught engaging in overt social programming. One of the most powerful companies in Silicon Valley, if not the most, is using its immense power to skew results, condition people, and essentially to manipulate reality. If that does not fit the definition of evil, I don’t know what does.
And I don’t think that Google is the only entity involved in this. There has been a widespread effort to skew election results, to encourage illegal alien voting, and to suppress voices that do not fit with their agenda, regardless of the truths those voices speak.
We are witnessing an unprecedented level of evil. And if it wasn’t already clear that these companies are enemies of the American people, remember who keeps importing vast numbers of foreign workers, fucking over American citizens, to staff their high-tech plantations.
This is a story of essentially treason and betrayal of the people of the United States to the highest degree. These companies are hostile entities.
Also note that this story was not investigated nor reported by a mainstream media outlet. 60 Minutes did not report this. The New York Times did not report this. The San Jose Mercury News did not report this. It was Project Veritas – a small independent press organization which has a reputation for being scrappy and digging deeply into places others avoid.
As has been stated before, mainstream “news” is no longer about investigating and reporting news, it is about enforcing the narrative to the point that they even openly call for censorship of those who report truths they do not want circulating.
Note: This video has been banned from both YouTube (surprise!) and Vimeo. Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam
President Trump’s reaction:
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