What’s to get excited about?

What’s to get excited about? Living in a miserable roastie-infested shitpile?
Go out to the store, run errands – roasties everywhere. Roasties ogling me because I’m the only healthy, non-obese/non-dysgenic looking white person. In the store see black woman with her toddler shoplifting stuff down the aisle from me. Horrible traffic congestion everywhere. Astronomical rents.

What’s to get excited about? Why do we live? Why are we on Earth? What about all the holistic Ecotopia stuff? What about the dream of a higher world manifesting?

All that is gone. Earth is going dark.

And fuck the hypocritical ‘holistic’ cowards who are too afraid to speak the truth. We don’t need you now. I spit you out.

Good bye Earth.

Yes I will spend the remaining time of this incarnation existing on this plane. But I am already gone. Just like the famous sutra says: Gate gate para gate. Para sam gate.