In come the swarms of illegals. Up goes the homeless population.

It’s sickening. The abject betrayal of Americans by public officials like Nancy Pelosi and so many others who are illegally promoting the invasion of the United States by vast swarms of illegals.

As the illegals pour in rents skyrocket. Housing prices skyrocket. Congestion becomes unbearable. Wages remain stagnant or even decrease. Opportunities vanish. And… the homeless population surges.

Precisely those jobs which keep people on the margins of society afloat – odd jobs, helper jobs, jobs like maintenance, plumbing, painting, construction help, etc. – precisely those jobs are the ones stolen by illegals.

You cannot even find a construction site anywhere in California that is not staffed by illegals. Despite all the bullshit Trump said, it would ridiculously easy – ridiculously easy – to find these people and to initiate deportation proceedings against them.

For fuck’s sake, they stand in large queues in public places waiting for people to hire them for odd jobs. There are labor companies which contract with farms, hotels, and other businesses which provide labor – and which conveniently insulate the employers from the fact that they are illegals.

We voted for a President who would crack down on illegal immigration, and we have record numbers flooding in.

You cannot say by a long shot that well over one million illegal border crossers per year is not a full-scale, massive invasion and that every measure up to and including full-scale military deployment is not justified. It is. Homeless Population Surges Across San Francisco Bay Area

When I read headlines like this it just makes me sick. And of course the hypocritical fucks like Pelosi never have to encounter the effects of their disastrous, treasonous policies.

From the article:

The San Francisco Bay Area is grappling with a homelessness crisis driven in part by a historic lack of housing. Homes that are available are too expensive for many to rent or buy.

As if the lack of housing is just like an unexpected change in the weather pattern. It has no relation to the enormous swarms of illegals – and unfortunately “legals” too through disastrous chain migration – flooding in. Nope. Nothing.

The wealthy property developers who are cashing in big time across the country from this surge are the ones who fund these corrupt fuckers. America needs a purge. It is corrupt and rotten and, sickeningly, the corrupt ones are using a mask of humanitarianism to shove their extremely unpopular and disastrous policy onto America.

And when the shit hits the fan – huge homeless problems, high rates of crimes, appallingly high levels of congestion, increasing lack of resources and opportunity, lack of community cohesiveness, etc. – these evil sick fucks will be far away from the crime scene, living in their mansions.

“Insulation from the consequences of my policies for me but not for thee”


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