K̥elHä wet̥ei ʕaK̥un kähla

KʼelHæ wetʼei ʕaKʼun kæhla
kʼat͡ɬai palhVkʼV na wetæ
ɕa da ʔakʼV ʔeja ʔælæ
jakʼo pele tʼuba wete

Language is a ford through the river of time,
it leads us to the dwelling of those gone before;
but he cannot arrive there,
who fears deep water.

wikipedia.org: Nostratic languages

Look at the common words. Many recognizable ones like apa and ama (father and mother), ped (foot), ko (who), kard (heart/chest), ant (front), seh (sate/eat), One of my favorite is ‘ekh’ – horse or swift.