Why wearing a Muslim veil is wrong

People make an error when they think that wearing a Muslim veil is anything other than an expression of misogyny.

People are not unaccustomed to the concept of religious garb. Traditionally in the west such garb was known through the vestments of priests and religious clergy and also the vestments and robes of monks and nuns.

But it is a mistake to associate the Muslim veil with such Western religious garb. The veil is distinctly an expression of the misogyny that is institutionalized in Islam. It is not like a robe that a monk or nun would wear. It applies only to females and it is required to be worn by females out of misogynistic beliefs.

For an uninformed member of the public to make this error is lamentable, but for public officials to make it is unacceptable and inexcusable. Such ignorance should not be tolerated in public officials who, above others, are expected to uphold and to embody the basic principles of their society.