Emergency! 76,325 illegal border crossings in February

76,325 illegal border crossings in February.

Close the damned border. Declare martial law. Shut down fucked up Congress. Shut down lying, fake, enemy-of-the-American-people mainstream media. And KICK OUT THE ILLEGALS and stop legal immigration as well. Start paying people to go back to their home countries.

I am riding on a bus downtown and there are 20 mongoloid quacking duck old ladies on the bus (and me the only white person). “What fucking country is this? How did these people get in here? What are they contributing to America?”

I’m standing in a financial aid line at college and out of 50 or 60 people I AM THE ONLY WHITE PERSON. “Who voted for this? How did this happen?”

President Trump, the reality you see when you see people in hotel lobbies, in office rooms, on trips, at resorts… is not the real reality. Do you even know what’s going on? This is not America anymore. The situation is extreme. It’s way past the talking point. It’s deportation time. It’s load the Greyhounds with illegals and get them across the border time. Send the duck people back on boats time.

thegatewaypundit.com: A Country without Borders: 76,325 Illegal Aliens Apprehended at Border in February- Largest Since 2008 – Most Will Stay and Receive Benefits