“Merciful, Noble-Minded Servant of God, Blessed by God, King Uthal”

Ye the pedestrians and merchants who pass through the road of which my power extends I swear to God that I will guarantee the safety of your passage. Come to Hatra and work hard as traders.
– King Uthal of Hatra

The title of this post is from an inscription in Aramaic at the base of this statue of King Uthal of the ancient city of Hatra. In all the research I did I could not find the quote about the guarantee of safety except in the NHK Silk Road II documentary.

Hatra, the City of Caravans.  We cannot talk about the silk road without referring to Hatra.  The king of Hatra raised his right hand and swore to God to do his utmost in protecting the travelers on the Silk Road.  “If you are attacked by a burglar I’ll have my right hand cut off to expiate myself.”  So swears each of the statues of Hatra raising its right hand.

How sick and barbaric the world is now compared with then. We are not safe in our cities but at the same time we are being multiculturalized while gaslighting politicians and media tell us how humanitarian and virtuous it all is. And anyone who doesn’t whole-heartedly believe all these lies is derided, called a hateful, bigoted nazi.

Everyone focuses on the destruction of his statue in Mosul, but no one cares about what he actually said and how he ruled his kingdom, which is so much more important.

The best way to honor King Uthal is to remember his words and what he stood for. In this sick world where crime is out of control and we are gaslit, brainwashed, and propagandized while our communities collapse, it is good to remember the ancient city of Hatra and its king.

judithweingarten.blogspot.com: Elegy for Hatra (Part II: The Statues)
Silk Road II – Episode 7: Beyond Baghdad, 29’30”