If the U.S. were actually able to control its borders and citizenship – and the fact that it cannot is an absolute outrage (more on this later) – I would say that it’s ok to let in migrant men and women into America on a temporary basis as job trainees to learn skills that they can take back to their countries. (But if it comes to fat women with kids who don’t want to train and just want their kids in to get benefits – hell fucking no. It’s no one’s fault but their own that they didn’t use birth control.)
But because we don’t have E-Verify – which means we lack basic controls over citizenship and borders – we cannot let people in who in all likelihood would eventually break the law, not return, and steal jobs.
This is a complete fucking outrage – our government has shitloads of money and manpower when it comes to other shit – for example tracking us, eavesdropping on us, paying for cops to invade the privacy of our lives, for the state to basically treat us like criminal suspects and fuck over our basic human rights – but then when it comes to protecting us – protecting our communities, our jobs, our country – from invasion – suddenly they can’t do it.
Fuck them. Fuck these asswipes running our system. They are the enemy of the American people, and by extension of all people of the world.
I was just thinking today how all the massive fuckovers of the past 500 years – from the spice traders enslaving people in places like Indonesia, to the slave trade in the Americas, to now the invasion of vast numbers of people both illegal and legal – is always about labor. The globalists, then and now, want their labor, and they don’t give a rat’s ass about fucking over entire populations.
This is why people like Clinton and Pelosi need to be investigated. Because these people are criminals.
For these sick people to use the argument that the mass invasions occurring are about humanitarianism is as absurd as it would have been for the slave traders to claim that slavery was about humanitarianism. Fuck these lying, criminal asswipes.
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