The Repugnican Party of California California’s blue tsunami decimates weakened GOP

I was never a Republican until several things happened. One was that I realized that there is so much BS and ineptitude among activists that with people like them one doesn’t need enemies.

Another was the firing of Mozilla CEO after a campaign to take him down after it had been revealed that he made a campaign contribution many years in the past for a campaign against gay marriage. Basically the people who did this were saying that we support American principles only if you think the way you’re supposed to think, which is outrageous.

Almost having been killed by illegals was another incident. It is almost a fluke that I am alive today. I was almost killed many years ago when a car full of stinking drunk illegals slammed into me on the highway while I was going 65 mph, causing my car to do a full 180 degree spin on the freeway. The CHP officer came and did not arrest anyone and I realized that law enforcement is a complete fucking farce in California.

Next was the huge illegal invasion I witnessed in my time living in California. My time in California has coincided almost exactly with mass invasion of unbelievable proportions. Maybe that’s why so many people don’t understand what’s happening. The scale of the invasion is unbelievable. Entire cities have become Mexican/Asian ghettos. The white population has completely collapsed in these places to maybe around 10% or less. I used to not really even think about race, but when you see this in city after city, when every day everywhere you go there are illegals everywhere and no whites it affects you.

Another factor was a research study which found that the United States is an oligarchy. After so many generations of supposed progressive politics and all the shit that Democrats, liberals, etc. claim to stand for, as of 2016 or whenever the study was published, the United States was an oligarchy. In other words the United States government was fucked.

Finally, Kate Steinle was killed by an illegal. When Donald Trump held a press conference a week later I was all for him. At that point I realized that the people supposedly “on my side” were no better than enemies. Having delusion which blocks accomplishment is actually worse than having open opposition.

But, wanting to vote for a Republicans and on the Trump wagon, who was there to vote for? Considering what’s been happening, the California Republican party has been a joke. I feel that John Cox was pretty much a joke. People are taking social conservative positions that one might expect in the deep south bible belt. You have to be fucking joking me. There were wide open opportunities for the Republican party to clean up in California if they had wanted to. On issues like immigration, the environment, anti-war, etc.

They completely fucked up and so they lost. I don’t know about a wave or anything. I know that Trump won Orange county, and things couldn’t have shifted that much in only a couple years. So what happened was that a void that could have been filled was never filled.

If there arises a new Republican party in California it should have nothing to do with the old one.