The “Sanctuary” State on Fire

So many public officials obsessed with making California a “sanctuary”, not for United States citizens but for cheaters and scammers who broke the law. And I seriously wonder: Would all these horrific fires have occurred if the state hadn’t been flooded with 20 million illegals over the past decade?

Right now there is a struggle between people who want to turn Earth into a big plantation. They are deliberately flooding all white nations with huge swarms of non-whites, to fuel their plantations in what amounts to an evil master plan which will see whites become minorities in most countries. Whites are already a minority globally – at around 10% of the global population.

Meanwhile the birthrates in shit-tier hellhole countries are through the roof. Even an insect likes to eat, sleep, shit, and fuck. That doesn’t make them virtuous. But I truly believe that the people flooding the West with hordes of shit-tier invaders is for the sake of the global plantation which is their plan.

What is happening is evil. It is evil from the point of view of stealing the birthrights of United States citizens and from the point of view of an Earth that is being catastrophically overpopulated.

The economy. The economy. The economy they keep saying. But continually increasing GDP and continually increasing levels of population needed to sustain it is killing Earth. The plantation masters are killing the Earth as they fuck over people on mass scales.


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