So I am reading with horror about this shit going on with students at UC Berkeley: UC Berkeley campus senator abstains from a vote. Now students want her out. From the article:
“A student senator at UC Berkeley abstained from a vote supporting transgender rights last week, then took a moment to explain her thinking. Now, more than 1,000 people have signed a petition demanding that she resign from student government or face a recall.”
“Hundreds packed a Senate meeting Wednesday night to insist that she go. On social media, students labeled her a “horrible person” and a “mental imbecile.” Her campus political party severed ties with her. And the Daily Californian, UC Berkeley’s storied student newspaper, ran an editorial critical of her statements and refused to publish her written defense.”
Look! A heretic! Gotta go after the heretic! Everyone get the heretic!
Let’s get one thing straight from the beginning: The vote was NOT to support transgender “rights”, it was to harm transgenders. A vote that backs an agenda pushed by gender radicals is not something that helps transgender people. The gender radical movement are parasites hijacking transgenderism to push an extremist agenda which states that any nutcase can one day wake up and declare that they are a different gender, and that that should have the full backing of the law, which is complete, absolute bullshit, not to mention highly repugnant to the vast majority of humans on planet Earth for very good reason.
When the Obama administration thought it was advancing the “rights” of transgenders by adopting policy based on these gender extremists, it also harmed transgenders. Now the Trump administration is backing off that extremely stupid, bad move made by the Obama administration, which I support 100%. Let me state that again, unambiguously: I support the Trump administration 100%. Obama fucked up and they are right to back away from those fucked up policies.
Regarding Berkeley, it’s sad that these arrogant brats take themselves so seriously. They are college students and should be worry about their classes and studying for tests, not wasting hours on this bullshit. That these kids are even so wrapped up in this shit, thinking they are so important, really shows how fucked up their teachers are. These kids are hopelessly brainwashed and many of them are fucked for life. They are the perfect example of extreme leftist intolerance and cult think.
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