Rich people

If you’re rich, it’s basically like you own people. And what is the karma of owning people?

If you were born rich and you think “It’s ok, I was born this way. I didn’t do anything.” then you will have the karma of owning people and the karma of not understanding that you have the karma of owning people.

A society with a low Gini coefficient is much healthier than one with a high Gini coefficient. We are responsible for creating healthy society, through the choices we make or fail to make.

When life starts out we are all much more connected. But as time goes on, in unhealthy societies with high Gini coefficients, people become very divided.

There are ways to make this better, and there are things which make it worse. Look at what healthier societies do, and then look at what fucked up ones do.

All this shit with having swarms of low-skilled, lowly-educated people from the third world streaming in – this does not work towards creating a healthier society. It is the opposite. It’s importing slave labor. In healthy societies people do their own work, they don’t import people to do “unwanted” jobs.

That the people behind this mass invasion have the audacity to claim that it is for humanitarian reasons is an enormous lie. It is actually extremely inhumane and damaging to society.


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