If it happened

Watching the testimony of Mrs. Ford. If what she states is true – it is unfortunate. The acts alleged to have been committed by Kavanaugh and his friend were not right, and I feel sorry for Mrs. Ford.

But I do not believe that this incident should disqualify Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court. It fails to meet any serious criteria – it cannot be acted on in any kind of legal or law enforcement manner.

As a young person I experienced sexual abuse constantly. Nearly every day in gradeschool as a boy certain other, aggressive boy classmates would grab my hand and run it over their genitals, in addition to my being spit on, tormented, and abused in other ways. At that age I didn’t even really understand what it meant other than their’ being bullying towards me. Now, years later, I think that these boys were probably being sexually abused themselves and were acting this out against me as it might have been done to them.

On multiple occasions I was ambushed by groups of girls who would push me against a wall and grope me all over my body.

I was hit on by adults on multiple occasions. Older men and also women hit on me. Of all this, I was never forcibly raped. I was never forced to sodomize or was penetrated. I have grown up as a person but I think the bigger problem in the world is now males and females treat or fail to treat one another.

Humans are sexual creatures. People cross boundaries and can be abusive. Young people have a lot of hormones rushing through them and engage in different kinds of aggressive behaviors.

This is stuff is all part of life. What Mrs. Ford went through is probably not that different that what a lot of girls (and boys) went through at some time or other, to varying degrees.

I listen to this testimony of Mrs. Ford and I see a highly privileged person coming from an extremely entitled background and she seems to be stuck on one incident that happened three and a half decades ago. She is free to do that but if there’s some kind of really negative, lasting impact she has to, for her own sake, figure out how to deal with it and move on.

I have been almost murdered in my life and I can tell you that that kind of shit fucks with your head. We live in a fucked up world and there are a lot of entitled people – many of whom are fucking up society through their ignorance. As someone who has been brutally attacked, almost killed, and then experienced my attempted murderer lie bald-faced in a courtroom and watched incredulously as the judge believed him, it’s clear to me that non-entitled people cannot expect a lot of justice in this fucked up world. I hate lawyers and have learned in my life that if you want to have a happy life stay as far away from lawyers as fucking possible.

If Mrs. Ford had been raped or even if any boy had gotten cum on her she could have went to law enforcement immediately afterwards to have the semen sampled. This isn’t a value judgement – just a practical fact that anyone who has been raped would know about if you want to attempt to get justice, which often never exists in this fucked up world.

As far as the nomination goes, if the allegations are true, then Kavanaugh got what he deserved and now they should move on and confirm him. If they are false, then Ford will have to live with it on her conscience.

In the end then I respect Ford if her allegations and true and she really needed to get this out. She had the opportunity and was able to get it out and I think everyone can respect the process even though it was kind of messier than it needed to be. I respect that members of the U.S. Senate provided the opportunity for her to speak out although not the extent to which it was weaponized.

The final thing I will say is that if Democrats hadn’t completely betrayed the American people and morphed into the open-borders, pro-illegal, fuck American workers party then guess what none of this would have happened.


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