This is what I call Not Working Out

This is what I call “demagoguery and sowing division” – terms used by Obama recently against whites who are concerned about the levels of black violence in America. Because it’s not just absurd that this charge is leveled against whites who want to stand up for their basic human rights – it actually describes the horrific actions of violent acts like these.

If anything, attacking people on buses, robbing people randomly, attacking teachers, beating the living shit out of people, etc. is “demagoguery and sowing division”.

This is only one of several incidents of this type which have happened.

[I’d show a lot more but our friends at Google seem to have blocked hits for “blacks rampage” and they also banned Colin Flaherty.]

Ah, here we go:

It is a human rights violation for whites and other groups to be exposed to blacks. I wish it weren’t the case. I wish it could be otherwise. But this fact is overwhelmingly clear and is confirmed over and over and over again every day, mostly by social media because the “news” is now lying.

This means the “news” is also a human rights violation. The “news” is complicit with the epidemic of violence and disruption caused by blacks. The “news” is criminal.

Inasmuch as public officials are also complicit with the epidemic, they are also criminals.


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