I would always see flyers and posters at various places. Almost always written in Spanish. Advertising help with immigration. It has become a big businesses. Attorneys and organizations instructing people how to game the American immigration system by committing fraud.
Now we know clearly what that fraud is all about. We know that the numbers of bogus asylum claims has skyrocketed to astronomically high levels over the past few years. So this is the racket they’ve been pushing. And now the jig is up and the whining and wailing starts.
Well, to all the people who thought they had a right to scam their way into America, and especially to all the people who helped them to do it: Fuck you.
Report: AG Sessions Is Rewriting Asylum Regulations
And thank God that America has a President and administration which cares enough about the people of our country to shut down the scams and to put Americans first.
The elites who are constantly trying to manipulate us into accepting borders don’t fully understand that the American people are witnessing and marking every rotten thing being done to betray us. And we will remember. For a very long time.
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