“Separation” of families

Every day in America people commit crimes. What the actual statistics are I don’t know, but given the size of the United States, the number of crimes is not small.

People are then apprehended, incarcerated, tried, and imprisoned. If these people are parents, then they’re separated from their families. Separation from families happens every day in America because that’s what happens when criminals are held accountable for crimes. They pay for the crime by doing time. You can’t take your kids to prison.

Where are the people screaming outrage over this? They aren’t because it would be outrageous if people weren’t held accountable for their crimes just because they had kids.

People engaging in the crime of entering the United States illegally are no different. They deserve to be held fully accountable for their crimes and any people providing assistance or aid to them breaking the law must also be held accountable.


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