Witness #2

I was out walking. The city is already a bleak, depressing place. Trash everywhere. On the note of trash I finally figured out where all the food containers one sees along the sides of roads comes from: ride share drivers. Uber and Lyft drivers. They are working, then they buy takeout food, park along a curb somewhere and eat. When they’re done they summarily throw the trash onto the street because they don’t want to have it in their car.

In the city one sees fences everywhere. America has a fetish for fences: Fences around buildings, fences around playgrounds, fences around parking lots. Fences preventing one from walking from one parking lot into an adjacent one. They are so pissed about building a border wall, which is a country’s basic right (and purpose), but then in their own cities there’s nothing but barriers and fences all over the place.

I passed a church that was having a free gibs day. Who were all the dozens of people queuing up to get their free gibs? Not Americans. Chinese. Lots of Chinese. Lots and lots of Chinese. It was like they were coming out of the woodwork. Quite like cockroaches, if you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to experience an infestation of them.

There they were, all these little Chinese people, each one with their laundry cart, coming to get their free gibs. None of them spoke English. You could hear them speaking – it sounded kind of like ducks quacking. My guess is none of them know English and most are probably illiterate in Chinese as well. Here are the dregs of China, happily imported to America and queuing up for their free gibs. As I walked on I kept seeing more and more – coming from far and wide – all pulling their laundry carts.

As far as dysgenics go, I will say that the sight of them was mostly harrowing. These are not attractive, particularly healthy looking people, but creatures that look like overgrown warts. This is not beauty and the apex of human evolution, but quite the opposite.

I have ridden on buses in the city where I was outnumbered by the duck people about 20 to 1. They are demographically taking over the city and much of the entire metropolitan area here.

If I saw this many just here in this one place, it makes one think how many millions there must be across the country. And if one sees them all coming out to get free gibs in the form of food from this church, then you know, you absolutely know they’re getting free gibs from our government too, that taxpayers are paying for them in multifarious ways.

These people have absolutely no connection to our society and have no respect for our culture nor our people. They are here to get free gibs and they’ve been allowed to swarm into the country in the millions. They are happy to see whites being replaced and no doubt they despise most things about white people and our culture.

How the fuck can this happen to America?


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