If you’re white and not rich, you’re garbage. If you’re mulatto, you get scholarships to Stanford.
I know this reality very well and have seen it in action for many years.
What it comes down to is persecution of and discrimination against whites, which the guilty rich whites are more than happy to promote.
For too long white people have accepted their displacement and discrimination as somehow normal. That’s how brainwashed society is.
The bottom line is, if you’re white and not rich, you’re a piece of shit. And they are actively trying to displace you and erase you through “diversity”. Diversity always means less whites. Diversity is used against whites and only whites.
The Ivy League schools and tech companies – they are happy to import and promote hundreds of thousands of non-whites. They are giving away the kingdom – the cities built by your ancestors, the best jobs and the best spots in education – to non-whites. The mulatto mafia is happy to genocide whites.
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