What a sick time to be alive

If you are a white American, your government doesn’t give a fuck about you. The oligarchy which controls your society and bleeds you to death financially has absolutely no allegiance nor concern for you. You are expendable.

The tech companies who make the products you rely upon have absolutely no allegiance to you whatsoever. They prefer to hire non-whites from foreign countries and have no compunction about importing hundreds of thousands of them, giving the best jobs in America to them.

As a white American your country is a hostile place for you and you are expected to shut up and bleed while they import millions of migrants who replace you, who will turn you into aliens in your own communities.

Your governments are worse than companies like Facebook which, if you are foolish enough to use, views you, the user, as its product which it markets to its customers, the advertisers. Your government exists not to protect you, to represent you, to stand up for you. It exists to sell you out. Protection laws don’t exist to protect you, they exist to indemnify the corporations fucking you over and abusing you.

The cultural centers built by your ancestors – America’s once great urban centers – have turned into browned-out, alien, dilapidated pits.

The most important right is not the right to be able to become rich, it is the right to be able to not be rich. By importing tens of millions of people the oligarchy has created an environment of hyper-competition which it benefits immensely from, at your expense. It is theft from you and from your ancestors who built America. It is spitting on your ancestors’ graves.

This is not the America which your ancestors fought for. When I see the gravestones at a military cemetery near me it really makes me sick to see the hundreds and thousands of people who gave their lives serving America so that it could turn into this appalling, festering pit of complete betrayal of its citizens.

Every time I hear President Trump talk about “the economy” it makes me sick to my stomach. Fuck the economy. Yes a healthy economy is important, but the real problem in America is the fact that it was deliberately flooded with tens of millions of people in an act of profound betrayal and greed. The fact that its major companies have absolutely no allegiance to America whatsoever, the fact that white Americans are persecuted and discriminated against.

Everywhere you go you will hear that “diversity is good”, “we need more diversity”. Diversity means one and only one thing: Less white people. It is always and only used against whites. It is never used against non-whites. No one says that Japan is not diverse enough and needs more Africans. No one calls Japanese people racist for not wanting diversity. No one says that China is not diverse enough and needs more Hispanics. No one is calling Chinese people racist even though China is engaging in horrible cruelty – it’s engaging in actual genocide of certain ethnic groups including Uighurs and Tibetans – but the same oligarchy which fucks you over is happy to do business with China.

Your government and the oligarchy which controls it lies and manipulates you incessantly.

What is occurring now in white countries is evil. Every day one reads about white people being victimized by migrants. Beyond the explicit acts of violation and violence is the massive betrayal by governments, by the oligarchy.

Maybe it is better to take opioids and just check out of reality. Why exist in a society which has absolutely no concern for your well-being, which is actively hostile towards you? Why even bother to try to earnestly contribute to a society which doesn’t give a fuck about you? What’s the point?

All of this really makes you think. People dismiss people on the Alt Right who admire Hitler and National Socialism. But if you actually listen to speeches Hitler gave you cannot help but conclude that he was deeply loved and venerated by the German people for standing up for them during a time when they were downtrodden.

I do not condone the wars they waged nor the atrocities they committed, but by comparison with what governments are doing to their own indigenous peoples now they are the party of love and wholesomeness.

There is no way that the rapefugee crisis in Europe would have happened under the NSDAP. All the abuse, the rapes, the murders, the terrorist attacks, the vandalism, the complete insanity would never have happened.

When people on the left call people Nazis – think about it. Really think about it. It’s literally attacking people for standing up for love and against hatred – against the hatred of their own people and their homelands.

The governments of Europe have become hostile, anti-white organizations as have major tech companies in America and most of the globalist establishment which controls the economy and controls mainstream media.

The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. And for these people, and for the sake of these people, we will struggle and fight and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith!

Imagine being able to love your own people and not be hated and abused for it.

Imagine being able to stand up for your people and for the world your ancestors built with their sweat and blood and not be hated and abused for it.

Imagine living in a land where you and your people are loved and cherished.