Swimming with pajeets

If you go out anywhere – swimming, dancing – any type of public event – do not associate with indians or arabs. Do not “just be nice” with them. They are not “just being nice” with you. They are abusive, manipulative shits. Do not dance with them. Do not humor their bullshit. Do not tolerate their manipulation and pressure tactics. Stay away from them. If they refuse to get out of your space and leave you alone report them to security.

— Wisdom from One with Many Years’ Experience

One thing I forgot to add: A man ogling a woman is an actual crime. Do not ever tolerate being ogled, ever. It is harassment and you should report it to security or to the police.

Police: 7 men accused of touching girls at Roseville water park

This is the exact same behavior the rapefugees have been committing in Europe to the point that many pools had to put up signs explicitly notifying them not to sexually abuse females.

This is the same behavior I experience every time I’m on a dance floor and these pajeet or arab fuckers show up. Intrusion, violation, annoyance, disrespect of boundaries, pressure tactics, and total bullshit. They are not compatible with Western civilization and do not belong in America.

Fuck indians and arabs and fuck islam. Hindus are just as bad. They lock up women who are menstruating in barns. Muslims don’t let women enter their prayer room because they’re considered unclean. Islam is institutionalized misogyny and tolerance of it is tolerance of misogyny. Headscarves are female abuse and I see young girls wearing them in my city which is both child abuse and female abuse.

And if you are arab or indian don’t come at me with “See how progressive I am: I don’t lock menstruating women up in barns!”. Eat shit and fuck off and die.

Who let this into our country?

A few abused and harassed American girls doesn’t mean shit to the oligarchy. There’s profit to be made.

What’s more sick than these disgusting arabs and indians are the people who let them in. And more sick than that are people who don’t give a fuck about the abuse they engage in.

Just because you’re not a target for the abuse of certain groups doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give a fuck. Not everyone’s an attractive female, but if you’re not and you’re willing to let this abuse occur to your sisters then you’re worse then the abusers.

And yes, I said it before and I’ll say it again: Angela Merkel’s dead, blubbery body should be hanging from a rope in downtown Berlin.

The #1 most dangerous country in the world for women: India.

They are fundamentally incompatible with Western society and they should not be allowed to enter the United States. Allowing indians and arabs to enter the United States is an act of hatred against the women of the United States.