When your city is a disaster zone. When it is a catastrophe. When it’s a literal human rights violation. When most of your city is one, incessant traffic jam. When there is filth and trash everywhere. Discarded hypodermic syringes everywhere.
City officials should be doing full prostrations before any company willing to try to conduct a business of providing electric scooters. They should be paying these companies.
These San Francisco city officials are examples of a boomer generation that needs to die. This generation has fucked up society to the point of collapse. They’ve brought us massive, uncontrolled immigration. They have fucked up Earth. They’ve left us a society that is a disaster zone. They’ve essentially destroyed San Francisco.
When I listen to these sick, hypocritical fucks talk it makes me cringe.
“…in a way that is consistent with our values here in San Francisco”
“…these principles embody San Francisco policies that relate to safety, and equity, and affordability, and environment, and transparency, consumer protection, and worker rights”
“We cannot sacrifice public safety.” Are you fucking kidding me? Your city is a fucking disaster. The level of feces and filth and the streets of your city was found to be at a level higher than the most destitute slums around the world. 70,000 people had their vehicles broken into in your city last year. And you have the audacity to stand up and talk about public safety?
This is nothing more than an Al Sharpton-style shakedown. It is “policy makers” trying to justify their jobs as shit-pickers-in-chief. People who do not have the aptitude to create anything for the world, do not have engineering degrees, but want to fuck it up for others and force others to comply with their BS. They represent quintessential liberal boomer politics at its absolute most hypocritical and destructive.
Another thing about this – the local news media is part of this shakedown. They features stores about the scooter and they seek out the absolute worst depiction of them and amplify it. They ignore the hundreds of thousands of non-eventful, successful rides that occur every day. They elated customers. Instead they show a few scooters that some idiots parked incorrectly, or some yahoo morons who tried to take them onto a freeway bridge.
These tv stations are part of the problem. They are part of the massive lie. This is all fake news being put out by a fucked up, hellhole fake city run by boomer fakes.
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