
This is what I witnessed today.

I was on my bicycle in a scenic area near the coast. I was climbing up – along some parts the steep grade was rather challenging and along other parts it was only moderate.

Normally along this route, on a weekend, there will be a lot of vehicles. Near the vista points which have small parking lots to park maybe a dozen or so vehicles there’s usually a queue of vehicles in both directions. The queues may be a dozen or so vehicles long.

But today was different. Very different.

There were vehicles backed up along the ENTIRE LENGTH of the road from the base to the top which I’m guessing is maybe just short of a mile long. For that entire length – vehicles. Stopped. Blocked. Stuck.

That’s bad enough, but at multiple points along the road vehicles were blocking the dedicated bicycle lane.

And here is what I saw: A see of brown – a lot of Indians, a lot of Arabs, and a lot of Asians. Very few Europeans. You would not think you were in a city in the United States.

I can only imagine that someone riding this same route on a holiday weekend 15 years ago would not have experienced this.

America has been flooded with tens of millions of people. What I witnessed today – this absolutely horrendous traffic quagmire – is the result of globalization and mass immigration.

This mass immigration is happening in all white countries and only in white countries. It is a hate crime against white people. Diversity is a hate crime against white people. Diversity means one thing and one thing only: Less white people. It is always applied to white people and only to white people.

No one says that China has too many Chinese people and should diversify and accept more black people. No one says that Indonesia is too Indonesian and should accept more Latin Americans. The country of Japan took in less than a dozen refugees in the past year. Diversity and mass immigration are hate crimes against white people. It is genocide.

White people have a right to exist. White people have a right to exist sustainably in their homeland, free from invasion and replacement. Governments around the world have become anti-white hate organizations. The government of Germany is an anti-white hate organization. The government of Sweden is an anti-white hate organization. The governments of the UK, of Belgium, of France, of Italy, of Greece… have all become anti-white hate organizations which are all actively persecuting white people who are standing up for the homeland of their ancestors and for their cultures.

The Dalai Lama explicitly said that Germany should not permanently accept migrants. He understands something deeper – something spiritual – about the identity and greatness of people and that people deserve their homelands. He understands what is being destroyed in this slow-moving atrocity which, within a few decades, is going to lead to white people being a minority in all countries across Europe except for a few which are resisting the atrocity of mass invasion and replacement.

When you see the word diversity – know that it is about hatred of whites. Diversity means “less white people”. If anyone said that less ______ people is good and it was any other group besides whites there would be outrage and cries of racism. Understand that this is a war against whites and they are working to destroy whites, destroy white culture, and erase the history of Europeans.

If you are white and you do not stand up for your people you are insane. They want us dead.