All people should have tracking chips implanted into their bodies.
Everything in society should be monitored and controlled by artificial intelligence systems.
For example today I found two more electric rental scooters that appeared to have been deliberately damaged. This makes the count of damaged and stolen electric scooters unbelievably high. All I see across the city are deliberately damaged scooters and there are many that are missing/stolen. People are damaging and stealing them in shockingly high numbers.
Damaging or stealing an electric scooter is not just some arbitrary act of malevolence. At this dire time of in which the existence of life on Earth is literally on a precipice, where the overuse of fossil fuels by Americans is a literal disease that is killing us, vandalizing or stealing an electric scooter is a crime against Planet Earth.
An artificial intelligence system able to track and monitor people and objects would be able to detect who is damaging and stealing things. Years ago when surveillance cameras started being used people were initially upset and felt like it was a huge violation of their privacy. Now people are upset when there aren’t enough surveillance cameras.
People may think that putting chips into people would be an infringement of rights but I ask you what kind of “right” do people have to live in a sick society amidst criminals who are literally destroying society and destroying the planet? What kind of “right” is it when there’s crime everywhere, when people don’t feel safe, are not happy about where they live and not engaged with and inspired by their community?
A company should be able to start a business renting electric scooters in a city without having literally dozens if not hundreds of their units damaged, destroyed, or stolen by criminals. The fact that one cannot is a serious – a grave indictment of a system that is completely, catastrophically, irreparably fucked up. A city like that is a human rights violation. It is a crime against the environment and against life itself.
What kind of right is it when there are 70,000 car break-ins in one year in one city, where festering housing projects financed by taxpayers are sources of literal crime plagues? But every time something happens with law enforcement the politicians criticize the law enforcement officers and want less enforcement and less prosecution? What kind of right is it when there are more and more serious criminals who should be behind bars roaming the streets committing more crimes, victimizing more people because the entire “justice” system is a joke?
I read and listen to many people in the AltRight and new media who talk about the dying dinosaur that is traditional mainstream media. But people should realize that our government is an even bigger dying dinosaur. Law enforcement and “justice” systems in cities are bigger dying dinosaurs. They are ineffective, incompetent, and failing miserably. Their breakdown is even more catastrophic for society that that of traditional media.
Artificial intelligence is rapidly evolving to the point where it could replace government, law enforcement, and justice systems and paradoxically give us communities that are more humane, secure, and wholesome.
It’s kind of sad really, because if it weren’t for all the lowlife criminals there would be no need for these types of measures. And what’s crazy is that – not too long ago – things were definitely a lot better. Only one or two decades back things were radically different than they are now. Things have been in a steady decline in America for some time and there are a lot of people living today who remember a much better time without the insane level of crime and other problems occurring now.
Am I the only person noticing that this serious, very severe downturn in society is coinciding exactly with the mass, out-of-control immigration, with the floods of illegals and also “legals” most of whom should also have not been allowed in? This is not to say that the immigration flood is the only source of the downturn: The downturn is the result of catastrophically failed policies by incompetent and corrupt politicians constantly campaigning for more “rights” while the cities they’re responsible for managing literally sink and collapse into hell pits.
One of the basic teachings in Buddhism is about the Four Right Kinds of Striving. At it’s core it means that one should strive to increase and promote good and healthy things which are either not yet present or are already present, and to decrease bad and unhealthy things which are are either not yet present or are already present. This sounds basic, but it is a powerful teaching and it’s clear that our leaders have seriously failed to realize this basic teaching to the point that the level of unwholesomeness and suffering is at a shockingly high level. The most ignorant thing that people can do therefore would be to continue doing the same thing, to continue allowing these unskilled, incompetent, and yes even deliberately malevolent leaders to continue to create more suffering in the world.
We’re losing our country, losing our communities, losing our homes, and losing the feelings of happiness, security, and inspiration that we have a right to feel, because that feeling is a basic human right and is what is natural for human beings. The biggest lie is when people forget that that is the way it’s supposed to be – that we should be happy, that our societies should be harmonious, safe, and inspiring.
Our democracies are failures. Look at the people running for offices – what a sick fucking joke. Incompetent fuckups with absolutely no scientific nor technical aptitude. People who are probably seriously challenged even being able to read and interpret statistics and charts. I seriously cannot believe that an artificial intelligence system would not be vastly better than these incompetent fucks at running cities. It almost seems like the elites who hold power want the fuckup system to perpetuate. Democracy will only be fixed when people everywhere realize that democracy is what they either create themselves or fail to create.
The time is right now – exactly right now – to create our own online, digital democracy to supplant the failed joke that passes as our present system. We cannot and should not wait for someone else to make it and to hand it to us. We have to make it ourselves and start using it. We have to fight for our freedom because it’s our basic right and it’s what we as humans deserve.
People who are so fucked up or damaged that they’ve forgotten what their rights are and what it really means to be human are worse than useless. They are adversaries to life.
It’s time to stop playing games and wake the fuck up.
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