As an active person who bicycles and is into fitness, I know what it’s like to go out and come home with sweaty clothes. One wants to be active, fit, and healthy but having to launder garments all the time is a drag.
I also wash almost all of my clothes by hand so this makes it even more of a drag. But the discomfort I experience from washing clothes by hand is actually a plus, because it also makes me much more conscious of the use of water.
Here is a way to keep garments clean after being active without wasting much water: After you come home you will notice that for tops almost always the part of the garment that is sweaty is the armpit. Some garments in particular seem to become smelly in the armpit after even only moderate activity because of the type of fabric. Obviously completely washing these garments every time is a pain.
What you can do is just rinse the armpit area. Just gather the armpit area and run it under cold water. Apply a small amount of a natural foaming handwash to the area (foaming handwash works great for this because it disperses really well over the area you are trying to clean). Rinse and ring the area repeatedly for a couple minutes. Then hang the garment and allow it to dry. You will find that this vastly reduces the amount of cleaning you have to do and it works really well to keep garments fresh and clean.
Here is another tip that will help you be hygienic and also to save water: Shave your armpits. Yes it’s important to use deodorant but the source of the problem is the bacteria growing on the hairs. Eliminate the source of the problem but also use deodorant to deal with residual sweat and bacteria in the armpit.
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