If you are a beginning Java programmer one thing that seems daunting is the class header for the main class:
public static void main(String[] args)
Having to memorize this nasty-looking line of code from the beginning, without understanding what it means, is not fun. So here is a recommendation based on a shortcut from the IntelliJ IDE:
Just remember this acronym: psvm
The purpose of this is not to replace learning public static void main(String[] args) but to make it easier. (Yes, if you’re using IntelliJ it will also save you from actually having to type the full line out.)
Another acronym that’s useful is for the statement to print:
The acronym: sout
Again, this acronym is a shortcut in the IntelliJ editor, so if you type it and press tab then the full statement will automatically appear.
But the value of these two acronyms goes beyond their usefulness in the IntelliJ editor and also just as mnemonics to help learn long statements – they are very useful for taking notes.
As a programming student you should take good notes. You will find yourself writing a lot of notes. At least that’s how it is for me. To me being a programming student means, among other things, getting used to typing a lot. A lot. Programmers enter a lot of text. Then there is the text you write which is about text, and even text which is about text which is about text.
Yes, in programming you have to learn the logic behind things, but you also just have to be dedicated to writing things. If is for this reason that these two acronyms can be useful: When you’re taking notes it can be cumbersome to type out long lines it it’s just for your notes. If this is the Nth time that you are writing a main class declaration or a print statement, there’s really no value in needing to type out the entire line. Thus in your notes you can save space and some typing by using these acronyms.
For example to write the statement in your notes to print “Hello world!”, instead of writing:
System.out.println(“Hello world!”);
you can just write:
sout(“Hello world!”);
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