Yeah, so the whole idea of the Wild West is supposed to be about innovation, about openness, about trying new things. It’s supposed to be about enthusiasm, not acting pathetic and dour like San Francisco supervisor Aaron Peskin.
Aaron, you truly are a bitter person. I read about how you had a fit with the fire department some weeks ago after a fire in North Beach and then later regretted it and apologized. Embarrassing, dishonorable, and negative conduct from someone who’s supposed to be a leader. From watching your response to the electric scooters I can say that you are unqualified to be a political leader in the city of San Francisco. You embody none of the spirit of what the city should be about. You come off as a truly bitter man with a massively negative attitude and serious personality issues.
Along come electric scooters – arguably one of the most revolutionary things to have ever occurred in the history of human transportation – I would argue even more revolutionary than cable cars by a long shot – and… what has the reaction been? To be excited about it? To be open to it? To embrace something that’s clearly amazing?
Hell no. The response is a humiliation for San Francisco and for the values it represents.
San Francisco’s reaction to the innovators who have provided our city with these scooters has been an embarrassment. I hope it’s leaders seriously rethink why they are in politics and what their job is supposed to be. When a new technology comes along that is beyond revolutionary instead of embracing it warmly it just seems like an opportunity for them to go into gear as the dour shit-pickers-in-chief.
Finally I have to say to Aaron – your derisive attitude towards tech companies is little short of disgusting. As a computer science student, do you have any idea how fucking challenging it is to study programming? As someone who works hard every day to learn and master very challenging material so that I can contribute meaningfully to society, I think you seem like a bitter loser with a myopic, rotten attitude and can safely bet that you’ve never accomplished anything in life that ever required anything close to the level of discipline and perseverance that being even an intermediate-level computer science student requires.
I’m sure when it comes to waving the flag prominently for whatever the next lame cause or “right” happens to be you’re all gung ho. But when it comes to promoting disciplines which require a lot of quiet perseverance, hard, work, and discipline you’re nowhere to be found. I think flag-wavers like you who think they’re at the vanguard of progressivism only damage the hell out of society, not help it move forward. You are a perfect example of why boomers are so reviled by generation Z.
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