This is so awesome

Trump told to mute Twitter critics, not block them, by New York judge

District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald suggested the president mute the accounts he does not want to see.

“Isn’t the answer he just mutes the person he finds personally offensive?” she asked the court in New York.

“He can avoid hearing them by muting them,” she added.

People on Twitter are unable to see or respond to tweets from accounts that block them.

But if Mr Trump muted an account, he would not see that user’s tweets but the user could still see and respond to his.

People able to make negative comments but you don’t have to see them. Mute is a great idea.

It doesn’t prevent other people from seeing the negative comments in the threads, but other people can also mute them.

What’s awesome is that a judge in a court is actually suggesting using the mute feature.