Two women in liquor store robbed, fight back

Thursday, February 22, 2018 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Black man attempts armed robbery of liquor store, holds up two women, women fire back. Robber comes back into store and struggles with one of the women, trying to take the pistol from her hands. He eventually succeeds and pistol whips her. The other woman fires at him point blank. Eventually the man collapses.

This. This BUST is what happens all across America. Violent black thugs victimize people in cities across the United States. Outside of overt armed robberies there are unarmed robberies, car break-ins, assaults, and of course abuse.

I feel sad to think of all the kids and teachers schools where there are violent, abusive black kids constantly disrupting education and causing destruction and harm.

Make of this incident what you want, but I was happy to see the robber get shot by the women. He deserved to be killed.

If you read articles about this incident you will find that the robber was suspected in nine other cases. What these women did was a service to their community.

Unlike where I live, where sentencing of criminals is getting lighter and criminals are being released earlier and earlier, where inevitably these fuckups go on to destroy more lives.

Every time you see a story in the news about someone victimized by a criminal, you have to ask yourself how many priors did the criminal have? Almost always there is a history and the person was free after an absurdly light sentence.

This is the way the system has failed.


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