Florida Mass Shooting: High School was model for racist policy pushed by Obama administration

While the school district’s policy was not the result of a direct order from the Obama administration, the racist “anti-racist” policy it implemented was based on a similar model, the intention of which was to statistically reduce the number of arrests and suspensions – not based on actual bad behavior decreasing, but by deliberately skewing the numbers based on race.

And, get this, a disproportionate number of non-white students receiving discipline or being arrested was not considered indicative of the fact that those groups were simply committing more offenses – instead it was considered de facto evidence of discrimination.

So, if higher percentages of black or other students are being disciplined or arrested that alone is considered to be racist – EVEN THOUGH SUCH GROUPS MAY BE COMMITTING MORE OFFENSES.

Here’s a quote from a National Review article that’s quoted in the Breitbart article linked above:

Social-justice activists assumed that just as racial disparities in the criminal-justice system must be evidence that cops are (at least implicitly) racist, so too racial disparities in school suspensions must be evidence that teachers are (at least implicitly) racist. Therefore, teachers — like cops — have to be restrained.

This is absolutely twisted. Given the situation where those groups actually ARE committing more offenses – something that is highly probable – then such policy is actually racist against whites.

The upshot of all this is that this policy may have enabled the shooter’s repeated offenses to go under the radar. There are so many breakdowns at different levels in this case that it’s shocking.

In a way, I feel that all the kids growing up in such a screwed up system are victims. I feel sad for them except that many of them are so fully indoctrinated that they eagerly perpetuate the rot.