If you had any doubt that California is a criminal conspiracy

Trump commission on voting fraud asks states for voter data

Kathleen Ronayne, Associated Press Updated 6:11 pm, Friday, June 30, 2017

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — President Donald Trump’s commission investigating alleged voter fraud in the 2016 elections has asked states for a list of the names, party affiliations, addresses and voting histories of all voters, if state law allows it to be public.

A Wednesday letter from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity gives secretaries of state about two weeks to provide about a dozen points of voter data. That also would include dates of birth, the last four digits of voters’ Social Security numbers and any information about felony convictions and military status.

Some Democratic officials refused to comply, saying the request invades privacy and is based on false claims of fraud.

Any investigation into the integrity of an election is a plus in a democracy. Claiming that providing public records to a body that is investigating election integrity is an invasion of privacy is absolutely ludicrous. An investigation is just that: An investigation is not a claim. To obstruct an investigation and attempt to obfuscate it by making a non-sequitor argument about claims of fraud is even more ludicrous.

In this age of electronic voting, providing the requested information is literally a matter of a few mouse clicks and providing a copy of a data file. To claim that it would be some type of burden or waste of resources is absolutely ludicrious.

In addition to the voter information, the letter asks state officials for suggestions on improving election integrity and to share any evidence of fraud and election-related crimes in their states. The data will help the commission “fully analyze vulnerabilities and issues related to voter registration and voting,” vice chairman and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach wrote.

Improving the integrity of elections is exactly what the government should do.

On Thursday, Virginia’s governor and the secretaries of state in California and Kentucky, all Democrats, responded that they will not share the information.

California is a criminal conspiracy. It is as simple as that.

The Democratic party is the party of voter fraud. Literally.

It’s time to start arresting these criminals.


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