24 hours ago I thought I would have to drop my courses

24 hours ago things were so fucked up, I was so sick, toxed out, and tired that I thought I would have to drop both my online courses. Now I’m back to getting A’s.

Retardedness creates retardedness. Being around retardedness makes you retarded. Retardedness spreads like a disease. In this fucked up society having a lobotomy is a “advantage” (yes I put quotes around it because even though it seems like it is it still is not even if the “disadvantaged” bleed or die).

Follow Buddha’s teachings. When you are consumed as a consumer, consumed by your attachment to senses, when you give in to shit in order to be “entertained” you create damage. You spread retardedness. You cause unwholesomeness to increase in the world and wholesomeness to decrease.

Follow Buddha’s teachings. Only classical arts are worthy of pursuing. Gregorian chants. Lute music. Harpsichord music. Rock music is retarded. Big band music is retarded. Jazz is retarded.

If you pay money to go to a modern art museum and they have installed “art” by some fuckup loser who just creates garbage, is destructive, sows destruction in the world, inflicts harm upon others, then you are inflicting harm also. It may seem cool to go to the art musuem to see the shit, but your weakness causes suffering.

Remember you don’t need anything else. You are the source of everything. What you create is most important. What your teachers and masters who have come before you create is important.

Obviously it’s the same thing with television, movies, music, and other things. It’s the same with food. Oh yes, look around you at how sick everyone looks. Maybe I shouldn’t even write this because everyone’s too sick and gone over the edge for it to even matter.

There is life and there is suffering. Life is life. It can either occur with suffering or without. If life is put up as the highest goal without regard to decreasing suffering, then what you might get is hell and imprisonment.

If you want what is good then you want to minimize suffering and that requires more than just perpetuating life. If you want more than enslavement then you must choose freedom and that involves decisions which require clarity and honesty and certainly discomfort at times. It requires discipline which is something cultivated.

Retardedness is enslavement. It creates more enslavement. There’s a lot of retardedness as a result of extremely bad decisions. People don’t want things to collapse but then the engage in behaviors which cause collapse.

America and the world needs to wake the fuck up. But maybe it would rather just be comfortable and consumed.

I’m not going to tell you not to kill. Maybe you have to kill to be free. Maybe not.

You choose: Brahmanic cultivation or retardedness. Wholesomeness or unwholesomeness. Freedom or enslavement.


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