This just makes me want to cry

As a student of the Java programming language I have come to develop a deep level of appreciation and admiration for the geniuses who developed the fundamental concepts underlying object-oriented programming.

The two most important people in this regard are the creators of the first object-oriented computer programming language called Simula: Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard.

Ole-Johan Dahl one of the fathers of object-oriented programming
Ole-Johan Dahl one of the fathers of object-oriented programming
Kristen Nygaard, one of the founders of object-oriented programming
Kristen Nygaard, one of the founders of object-oriented programming

Given the monumental achievements of these two men, one would think there would be many documentaries about them.

There are none.

I’ve been scouring the web and, quite sadly – quite heartbreakingly – there is very little information, massively in disproportion to their monumental achievements and contributions to the field of computer science.

Someone with money should fly to Norway and dig around and make a documentary about these two amazing men.


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