A huge landslide

Just looking at this interactive map at cbsnews.com and its clear that Donald Trump didn’t just win, he won huge in many counties in California. I’m looking at the county-by-county results and the margins are in the range of 65+% percent for Trump and 30-% for Clinton. That is a landslide.

It’s clear that the Democrat strategy to push the illegal vote as hard as possible had serious repercussions among people in a state that has been literally flooded with huge swarms of illegals and which really intensified to an insane level over the past decade.

This is a very clear sign that US citizens – especially in places that are highly affected by illegal immigration – have had enough.

The Democrat party appears to have committed treason against the United States and it would not be an overreaction for Donald Trump on his first day in office to arrest those politicians who betrayed America.

If the state or any jurisdictions within it refuse to comply with federal law then I fully support sending in the National Guard to restore order.

When I look at this, when you consider the magnitude of the problem, you have to wonder: Is it possible that the establishment didn’t know? They didn’t know about the magnitude of the problem?

Or they did know. I just wonder if it had to all be this way: Maybe it simply was such an enormous problem that the entire way this has unfolded, with Donald Trump becoming president, is the only way to be able to deal with such an out-of-hand problem?

Was this election real? Given the extent to which the oligarchy can to a very high degree manipulate mainstream media, I would not put orchestrating something as massive as the federal election for president as being beyond them.

And if that is the case – I am not upset. I give them credit actually. If this is the way it had to be accomplished, I give them credit for getting the job done.

While this may seem out there, I think there is ample precedent for this type of thing in history. There are cases where a warrior who served a lord faithfully undertook some extremely difficult, unpopular task for which he might incur a lot of resentment or hatred, but which he did out of a sense of duty towards his lord.

There is one episode in the taiga jdrama series Yoshitsune where a son of the ruler Kiyomori is laying on his death bed and his father Kiyomori is there with him, comforting him. Previously his son had assumed a role as a harsh enforcer which incurred a lot of hatred. But as he lay there about to die, he tells Kiyomori that one day after he had seen his father become really upset because he had been betrayed due to being too lenient and compassionate as ruler, that he the son decided to become a demon for the sake of his father.

He decided to take on the hard role of being a strong enforcer in order to help his father and to protect his father. As he tells this to Kiyomori while he is gravely ill and about to die, Kiyomori apologizes to him for putting this heavy burden upon him. But the son, ever dutiful and loving towards his father, tells him “Its quite alright”.

In the Japanese feudal culture, no honor could be greater than to faithfully serve one’s parents or one’s lord, even if it meant death.

We are in a time when many people are afraid – often for very good reasons – to freely speak. This, to me, is about as un-American as it can get. Nothing can be more hypocritical than people claiming they are for “equality”, “rights”, or any other thing who then proceed to harass, mock, intimidate, or in any other way abuse people who express a viewpoint that they do not agree with.

In this climate, there are some people willing to be “demons” and speak things which may be unpopular. Its important that there are always such people, and that society be willing to tolerate discourse.


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