The grueling stuff Windows users have to go through

I bailed on Windows. I kept the partitions and have been dual booting to Linux exclusively, but the longer I’m using Linux the more repulsive the idea of ever going back to Windows is.

For anyone who still uses Windows, the process of trying to maintain your freedom is now rather grueling: Microsoft previews telemetry push with new Win7/8.1 patches KB 3192403, 3192404 Win 7/8.1 ‘patchocalypse’ springs a few surprises How to cautiously update Windows 7 and 8.1 machines Woody’s Win10Tip: Block forced Windows updates

The idea of having to fight against, to contend with your operating system is just so inherently repugnant. I’m so glad I’ve switched to Linux.

I will admit that it is not always easy. You get used to things being a certain way. There are some aspects of using Windows that are more polished. But so what? If your OS is doing grotesque things, is this out-of-control thing that is really designed to prey upon you and not serve all your interests, what the fuck are you doing using it?

My next laptop acquisition will probably be a Thinkpad with and Intel graphics chipset (fortunately one of my present ones also does have an Intel graphics chipset).

It appears that Nvidia graphics chipsets have issues running Photoshop under Wine. Its kind of sad because I’m guessing that even a little bit of help from Adobe to make Photoshop compatible with Wine could make a huge difference, but they do not seem interested in lifting a finger to help people who choose freedom.


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