Good things about America

After my last post about America being satanic, I thought I would make another post about good things in America.

1. Americans in general are really intelligent, together, good natured people.

2. Americans tend to have a highly developed sense of music and other art.

3. America is one of the most multi-cultural places in the world if not the most. Americans read about tensions, discord, or conflicts between other groups in other parts of the world, and from our viewpoint we can’t even imagine such things happening here because we all love, respect, and appreciate each other to the extent that those things simply wouldn’t happen here.

4. America tends to accept even out there things. People can do whatever they want, even things that might be considered extreme, and usually no one cares about it. While not enough people may appreciate it, it is actually a huge thing. Every place is only as rich as its dark side. Everywhere needs a dark side for its spirit.

5. I love department stores and mass-produced things. While some might bemoan such things, the technology which enables things like blue jeans to be mass produced is obviously a huge benefit to humanity. America excels in being a country that can provide abundantly to those in the middle. While its nice to like exquisite things its important to cherish that because we can create things efficiently and at low cost they can be available to many people.

6. Very advanced thinking. So many things come from America. I’m a computer science student and it amazes me how many concepts and things were created here such as the Java programming language.

7. Spirit of helping others. There is a strong spirit in America of helping others. There are a lot of people who are like angels in society who do a lot of good. There is a lot of benevolence and good intention and people who are dedicated to making things better.

8. Freedom. Need I say more?

9. Tolerance. I already covered this in 4. but I’m still thinking about it because tolerance is so important in the world and we see how it is lacking is so many places.

10. Close to other countries. America welcomes scholars from around the world to study in its universities. It is open to rich cultural, scientific, and other exchanges. It has a free and open academia (although there is a severe problem with the cost of education which in many cases is outrageous and available only to an entitled elite).

Is America satanic? I feel like it has crossed that threshold in some ways. There are dark things which occur. There are dark agendas advanced by powerful interests which often conduct covert propaganda and mass persuasion campaigns with dark motives. One thing I think is kind of like this is when you consider how much psychological engineering goes into the design and marketing of motor vehicles. Look at the grills of many SUV’s. They look like medieval shields. They are designed to impart a psychological sense of domination and power.

These kinds of twisted manipulations are all around us and permeate marketing and media, yet many people are not aware of them and fall prey to them. Another dark campaign is one against bicycling and bicyclists. There are probably paid groups which deliberately astroturf on forums to promote intolerance and hatred of things including bicycling. Sadly it was recently reported that this also goes on on a huge scale in China.

Veganism is still pushed to the margin and there are often attempts to deliberately malign veganism and the organics movement. On Google News I set up “organic” as one of my news sources and I’m shocked at how many anti-organic propaganda “news” “stories” there are. To attack bicyclists, vegans, and organic foods is satanic. Bicyclists are getting killed and maimed in the streets of America. They truly are martyrs for Earth.

Its quite sickening that the Obama administration allowed this to happen and did not do more to speak out and stand up for things.


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