War is natural

War is a natural part of being a human. Humans eat. Sleep. Have sex. And they also engage in war.

There is nothing unnatural about engaging in war. Not engaging in war is actually unnatural. It is delusion to think that a human being should never engage in war. A human being has to engage in war. It is a necessary part of living.

I’m writing this because I want people to understand that war is natural. You may take a Buddhist, Christian, or other point of view in your life. Or you may take a Taoistic one. Regardless, you should not feel bad about engaging in war. It is part of being human.

War is like a responsibility. It is one of the things you need to do to survive.

If you believe that war is bad, if you adhere to this delusion, you will damage yourself. You will damage others.

We are at war but, out of delusion, we may not perceive it or may not want to perceive it. But we are at war. And we need to recognize it, and fight. And win.