Globalization is Destroying Earth

People are waking up to the fact that globalization is destroying Earth. In fact, it may have already destroyed it. It may already be too late. Whether humans can awaken in sufficient numbers and stop the out-of-control insanity of globalization, which is driven by the global oligarchy, remains to be seen.

Without globalization humans would have been on paths which are vastly more sustainable and peaceful. Populations would stabilize and even decrease. Standards of living for those smaller populations would increase. Education levels would increase. Crime and other problems would decrease. The environment would be better. People would be happier.

But in came the globalists – starting with Bill Clinton – in what amounts to absolute insanity, policies which are creating destruction on vast scales. Populations are burgeoning out of control. Quality of life is sinking horribly. More resources are being stripped from poor Earth and for what? We are not happier nor better off.

Globalization is a catastrophe. If the human species manages to survive this coming time, in the future when they teach about this era there will be no doubt that globalization will be seen as the horrendous, destructive disease that it is.

If we want to save Planet Earth we must not only put an immediate stop to globalization, we must take the power away from the globalists. And we must reverse the damage.

These are not simple tasks. I believe they can be accomplished still. But it requires concentration, dedication, and perseverance.

A lot of damage has been done – vast amounts of damage have been done. And I’m sure many people are bummed out and depressed. Its easy to give in to feelings of hopelessness and despair. But I would like to encourage everyone to hold and and stick it out. We can change the world.

We can take this great crisis affecting our planet and use it as a lesson. Things which can pose great harm to a body can also be things which enable that same body to acquire very strong immunity to such sickness in the future. If we take what is happening now – the ways our world is being destroyed, our communities being destroyed, our governments run by sick, disgusting, filthy idiots – we can learn deep lessons from all this and use it to become stronger. We can create a great future if we choose to stand up and act.

We see how the oligarchy is literally writhing from things like the Brexit and from Donald Trump’s highly successful campaign for President. These are excellent signs. It means things are changing.

Let’s keep up the work and stand up for what you know is right.

I also encourage people to remember their fundamental humanistic values. I support and agree with a lot of what the alt right is saying, however from time to time I’m concerned. Its important to believe in your own greatness and to want to preserve your own culture. But it still is important to respect and understand other cultures. And one thing that makes your culture great is its freedom. Freedom requires a certain magnanimity to be willing to tolerate things which you don’t always agree with or accept. If you cherish freedom then you have to cherish the fact that people are free to say and do things which you may not find agreeable.

I guess what I’m saying is that I think the alt right should remain political and not try to be cultural. Culture is mostly the purview of personal discernment. Politics is the purview of collective discernment.


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