Before, it was so different. People could come here and live. You didn’t have to be wealthy. You didn’t have to be working professionally. You could just come. And make it. And the city was supposed to offer some promise. If you wanted education you could pursue it. If you wanted jobs you could find them. If you wanted to explore you could explore. You could connect. You could disconnect.
But it has all changed. It has become so much worse. So much harsher. So much less hospitable. So crazy and fucked up. So dirty and disgusting.
The city has failed and I think those responsible for overseeing its failure bear the burden of a grave sin, not just of the actual damage, but everything that was lost about what this city should have represented, what it should have been.
There are not a lot of places like the way this city was. I wonder if there are any others, or if there ever will be. Something was lost much more than the actual city, some important part of the soul of not just the country but the entire world. Those who let it happen bear a grave sin. Out of their greed, incompetence, or whatever they not only damaged the city, they damaged the world. They damaged life on Earth. They damaged the human spirit.
The city was on a downward course even before. I think people noticed. I did. But how far its gone, its kind of a shock.
I guess I’m just rambling now but there are so many fucked up things. I read about the huge mass of waste left behind by the Oregon State University frat idiots. How appalling. How seriously fucked up. Something is truly wrong with America.
The other evening as I was walking around the block where I live I took some pics of all the trash. Its like people are just inured to it: To there just being trash and shit everywhere. But you know its totally fucked up. There should not be trash anywhere. People shouldn’t just throw shit anywhere. Something is extremely off.
Then there’s all the violence. Every day killings in the news. A headless torso that had been rotting for a month discovered by the water. Shootings on freeways. Shooting at a high school. Other murders. Crazy shit.
I was watching what is now one of my favorite all-time documentaries called “What We Still Don’t Know”, a three-part series that is so good. I love just the audio of it. It is so vastly better than the American-made shit from “History” Channel, National Geographic, Discovery Channel. Their documentaries are shit. I could go on about why so many aspects of them are crass and insulting. But I’ll leave it at that for now. “What We Still Don’t Know” is a British documentary and the pace of it is Zen-like.
In it they were discussing how the value of the Cosmological Constant is unlike other constant values in nature. For example, there is the value of gravity which, if it were slightly greater or lesser than what it actually is, our universe as we know it would not have formed. The same is true for the other values corresponding to different fundamental forces.
One scientist states that with all these values the range is around 1% or so, meaning if they were tweaked around 1 % higher or lower, then everything would not have come out “right”, i.e. as the universe we are in which has enabled life.
But then there is the Cosmological Constant which just blows everything else away. It has to be exact to a precision of – I actually can’t remember the exact amount, but its something like one in a trillion-trillion. An unimaginably precise number. There’s just no way that that value could be arbitrary or random.
The way they explained how this could be is that our universe is just one very small part of a multiverse which consists of a mind-bogglingly huge number of universes, all which could have different values for the fundamental constants.
This made me think that perhaps there could be a process in the multiverse which, over vast scales of time, selects for certain values of the constants. That would imply there being some kind of feedback. Something must happen for certain universes with certain values to be “preferred” over others. I just wondered about this and thought maybe it could be. That over vast extents of time the multiverse itself could somehow be evolving so that each successive universe it spawns is more finely tuned. And perhaps, somehow, it learns from each universe.
In short, perhaps the mutliverse is like a sentient meta-being that itself is evolving. We only think of evolving in our own, selfish way, from our own, selfish, animalistic points of view. But perhaps one aspect of God-consciousness is letting go of this animalistic point of view and accepting that our evolution is part of the grander evolution of the multiverse.
I was just watching a video from the brilliant “Reality Calls” where she is discussing fundamental spiritual concepts or principles. She considers the fact that consciousness exists to be a primal aspect of existence. Taking this idea further, again if we can let go of our selfish, animalistic point of view (I’m not saying this about her but about how the human mind typically think about most things including consciousness) then there could easily be transcendent consciousness that goes beyond what the human mind is capable of imagining, beyond the limitations of the physical body. This seems not just quite plausible, but highly probable. In fact, I simply cannot imagine how there could not be such “higher” consciousness because it is inconceivable to me that “our” consciousness could have come from nothing. Whether it came from the quantum organization of rays of sunlight interacting with atoms on Earth or what, the source of our consciousness had to come from somewhere.
What is the connection with what is happening now, this vast sickness affecting things? I don’t know yet. But earlier I was out walking and thinking and I thought of this: Today humans have reached an apex of technological achievement one facet of which is the utilization (stripping) of resources from Earth on an unimaginably vast scale so that even an average person today has at their disposal, at their whim resources which would have been unimaginable to even the wealthiest kings of antiquity.
And, thus, it makes me think: Are humans therefore that much the greater for it?
The answer is: Hell fucking no. Humans are not only not that much greater, in proportion to the vastly greater amount of resources that they consume through all the vast technology deployed for their benefit, they are stupider. They are more selfish. More vile.
There is a dark side to things. A demonic side which has to be taken seriously. We cannot be blind to it, nor can we just think that its something arbitrary. This dark side is not the same as chaos or entropy. Rather, it is demonic. It is perhaps related to the reptilian brain and social dynamics which play out through various media within “culture”. Somehow this shit gets transmitted, it mutates, and it quite effectively replicates, poisoning whole societies, whole generations.
Someone should really study this and understand it. What the hell is happening?
I guess I could write about certain things. But they are only certain observations I have, certain things I’ve gathered over the course of time from observing and interacting. But I don’t know if I could get even remotely close to painting a complete picture.
I have ideas. They are inspired by – I don’t know what to call it even – comparative culturalism (maybe it should be called comparative culturology). I find it interesting that Wife With a Purpose also mentions that in some of her videos.
There’s another key word that has been coming up lately: Civility. Not the pedestrian meaning of the word civility, but then there is the fully-loaded meaning which connects with the word civilization which is what I’m thinking about. I have been thinking about what civility means – especially in a broken society such as this – given the lack of civilization.
When people meet each other in society, there is said to be an element of civility between them. But what if the civilization they are in is broken? Where is the civility then? Or is it just pretense?
How long do people go on under such pretense before it all collapses? Again, I’m not thinking of the pedestrian meaning of civility, but rather the meaning of civility in the full sense of a bearing of civilization.
There is this idea of civil society. But what becomes of civility when civilization fails? What do people bear if they no longer bear civilization? I think its like a delusion or a joke.
People may actually be quite offended by this, but then in the end the joke is on them. Or maybe its their blood that is spilled, which is not so funny. But how long does it take for civilized people to wake up? How much blood does it take? Has science or “human knowledge” set a limit, a threshold value for that?
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