Am starting to allow ads on more sites. Today I just enabled ads on one of my long-time favorite sites for nutritional and health information: I think what Lance Armstrong did with doping and lying about it was extremely wrong, and I don’t know the extent to which he is involved with the site, but regardless it is an excellent site which I’m grateful for.
Today I was looking for information about foods that are rich in flavonoids. Of course Livestrong has an article on it!
Once again too, the Wikipedia page is more or less bullshit. They cite a 2007 study which shed doubt on the activity of flavonoids in vivo, but then there have been numerous studies since then showing clear benefit, which they completely ignore.
Here’s an article from 2012 about significantly reduced risk of Parkinson’s in men. There are many others.
Wikipedia is so bad that I have serious reservations about turning to it for any kind of health-related info beyond perhaps basic descriptions of diseases and human anatomy. If you try to edit an article about for example an herb or nutritional supplement and provide links to science articles, they will delete them and revert your information. Fuck Wikipedia. They are a bunch of disgusting asswipes.
One other site I really like which I enabled ads on this past week: They have good coverage of elections, poll tracking, and delegate counters. They even have their own reporters.
UPDATE: Re-enabled ad-blocking for Realclearpolitics. Popups are a no-no. Also, their advertising – like many sites I’ve tested – went way overboard.
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