Illegal immigration is like a ponzi scheme. There is no way in hell that its even remotely sustainable from an economic nor logistical point of view.
Its a ponzi scheme that supports the status quo of the entitleds. It provides labor to their sham economy. It keeps things stable just long enough until those at the reins pass away, at which point they don’t care if things go to complete hell.
Illegal immigration is a huge ponzi scheme – just like slavery was – benefiting an entitled class – which the entire nation will have to suffer for and pay the price for.
Once the current flood of 30 million illiterate illegals don’t work the low-level jobs they are expected to work anymore, and their children don’t either, then they have to bring in 30 million more. Or even more than that to cope with the increased population, in what amounts to a feedback loop. A fucked feedback loop. Its a ponzi scheme.
America should take a strong stand against it. It should punish the purveyors of the ponzi scheme. Every politician, business, and organization responsible for perpetrating this crime against the American people should be held accountable.
California is particularly out-of-control. Other states in the nation should not accept California’s entitled class running this illegal immigration ponzi scheme to benefit itself, at the expense of the rest of the nation which eventually will have to deal with the consequences.
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